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Get Ready for Some Art, Yart, Fairy Gardens and Stuffed Animal Magic!

Our Programming Team and dedicated volunteers are offering a range of unique offerings this summer, and the weekend of August 13-14 is especially art- and whimsy-filled - and all FREE and open to the public! Thought we’d preview them for you here. Please spread the word!

First, on Saturday afternoon we’ll have a double-feature: the final installment of our Budding Artist Cafe - titled Nature Builders - is a collection of open exploration, hands-on art and engineering activities designed for all ages. At each table, participants will try out a different nature-based building activity, based on those in nature: hexagon (bees), tube (caddisfly), and woven fiber (birds).

Running alongside this activity - also at the Growing Center - is the Somerville Arts Council’s Yart Sale ( It’s like a Yard Sale, only for art! Come visit the Growing Center to check out the Fairy Garden Nature Kits we’ll have for sale, to benefit our Children in Nature Initiative. Made from recycled lettuce and berry containers, contents include handmade clay mushrooms, tree “cookies” of various sizes, seashells, river and sea stones, pinecones, acorns and stick bundles. Let your (or your child’s) imagination run wild, and build something whimsical!

On Sunday evening, drop by between 6:00 and 7:30 pm with your little ones who can register their stuffed animals for “camp!” Yes, we’re holding our Inaugural Stuffed Animal Campout on August 14, which includes camping-themed stories and crafts in the garden prior to saying good-night to your stuffies. Follow along on Instagram (@somervillegrowingcenter) and Facebook (@somervillecommunitygrowingcenter) all evening to see what our little campers are up to!

Interspersed throughout the weekend are other activities open to all - from Open Garden Hours (Saturday, August 13, 10:00-12:00) to a plant and wildlife monitoring workshop with Earthwise Aware (Saturday, August 13, 2:00-3:30) to Yoga in the Garden (Sunday, August 14, 9:00-10:00).

Come hang in the garden!

Budding Artist Cafe

Nature Builders: Focus on Insects and Birds who Build Saturday, August 13, 3:30-5:30 pm

For our third and final cafe-style artistic gathering in nature, this month’s Budding Artist Cafe is a collection of open-exploration building activities designed for all ages. The theme is Nature’s Builders. The Hexagon Table will feature hexagonal tiles for participants to decorate, and hexagonal patterned paper to color in. The next table will feature the decorating habits of caddisflies, with tubes, glue and beads so you can make your own “caddisfly” larval covering. The final table will feature fiber and sticks, with all invited to try free form weaving inspired by weaver birds. Also on hand will be different materiels

for open-ended design of one’s own unique “nest’ or “camouflage.”

Contact: Liza at

Yart Sale at the Growing Center

Saturday, August 13, 4:00-6:00 pm, Rain Date Sunday, August 14

The Somerville Arts Council’s 2nd Annual Yart Sale is like a city-wide Yard Sale, only for art! The Growing Center will be selling Fairy Garden Nature Kits again this year, to support our Children in Nature Initiative. Made from recycled lettuce and berry containers, contents include handmade clay mushrooms, tree “cookies” of various sizes, seashells, river and sea stones, pinecones, acorns and stick bundles. Let your (or your child’s) imagination run wild, and build something whimsical! We’ll also be hosting a handful of additional art sellers - check social media for details!

Contact: Betsy at

Stuffed Animal Campout!

Sunday, August 14, 6:00-7:30 pm

Bring your favorite stuffed animal for their first-ever stuffie-only campout at the Growing Center! Register your animal for "camp", listen to camping-themed stories and do some camping-related crafts. Then say good-night to your lovies for the evening - and follow along on Instagram and Facebook for all the updates on their activities and fun. Additional dropoff times (no kids activities): Fri, Aug 12 (4:00-5:30 pm); Sun, Aug 14 (10:00 am-12:00 pm). Pick-up times Monday, August 15, 7:30-9:30 am; 5:00-6:30 pm.

***Additional Events Over the Weekend***

Introduction to Plant and Wildlife Monitoring for Conservation with Earthwise Aware

Saturday, August 13, 2:00-3:30 pm

Additional Dates: September 10. Facebook Event

Join Claire and Earthwise Aware (EwA) citizen scientists and learn how to observe and record the plants, insects, and animals of the Somerville Growing Center. With these observation events and through the EwA photo documentation using the iNaturalist platform, we contribute to biodiversity science while enjoying the outdoors together in this beautiful little garden. Also learn about EwA’s arthropod (insect and spider) and phenology studies at the Growing Center.

Contact: Claire O’Neill at

Yoga in the Garden: Asana Practice

Sunday, August 14, 9:00-10:00 am

Bring your mat and practice yoga with local instructor, Jenn Falk.

Contact: Jenn Falk at


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