Growing Center Volunteer Opportunities - How it Works!
Sign up to volunteer at an upcoming event on our SignUpGenius page!
(For Open Hours and Event Host positions, a Volunteer Orientation is required.)
To read about our Teams approach to volunteering; visit and read the Volunteer Teams page of our website to learn more.
We use our newsletter to announce general, all-inclusive volunteer opportunities, as well as upcoming free programming events, and volunteer orientations.
Volunteer Orientations are held the second Saturday and fourth Monday of the month at the Growing Center, 22 Vinal Ave, Somerville. See below for the 2025 schedule.

Volunteer Orientations for the 2025 Season:
Monday, March 24 @ 6:00 pm
Saturday, April 12 @ 9:30 am
Monday, April 28 @ 6:00 pm
Saturday, May 10 @ 9:30 am
Monday, May 26 @ 6:00 pm
Saturday, June 14 @ 9:30 am
Monday, June 23 @ 6:00 pm
Saturday, July 12 @ 9:30 am
Monday, July 28 @ 6:00 pm
Saturday, August 9 @ 9:30 am
Monday, August 25 @ 6:00 pm
Saturday, September 13 @ 9:30 am
Monday, September 22 @ 6:00 pm
Saturday, October 11 @ 9:30 am
Monday, October 27 @ 6:00 pm
Saturday, November 15 @ 9:30 am
Current On-site Opportunities:
Watering Angels Needed
A once -a-week commitment through the growing season. Training provided, must have taken a volunteer orientation in 2022. Watering the garden takes 30 min - 1.5-2 hour depending on season. Subs available as well. paula@thegrowingcenter.org
Garden Tool Inventory
Volunteers needed to take inventory, clean and make a list of repairs needed of garden tools from trowels to loppers, saw and pruners. paula@thegrowingcenter.org
CINI projects at the Garden / Community Herb Project
*Support adding weekly nature based play provocations to the play area
*Want to make some herbal products for community? Or help harvest/dry herbs?
Contact paula@thegrowingcenter.org!
Readers for Kids Program: Community Read Alouds in the Garden
Read diverse nature/garden related books in the garden to children(ages 2-8) and caregivers in this one hour program on select Wednesday and Sunday from late April to May. All languages welcome! Volunteers must take the GC volunteer orientation and can read in whatever language they like. paula@thegrowingcenter.org
Garden Field Trip Volunteers
We have the need for occasional 1.5-2 hour support for kids/youth field trips during weekday mornings with CINI Coordinator. Possible paid educator hours for summer field trips for Summer in the Garden program. paula@thegrowingcenter.org
Tabling & Outreach Opportunities
Tabling opportunities! If interested, let Bethany know at volunteer@thegrowingcenter.org

Ongoing Offsite Planning/Admin Opportunities:
Help Us Organize Our Photo Library!
The Friends of the Community Growing Center has hundreds of (fairly well organized) digital photos in our shared drive, but we are looking for a creative and organized individual to help us build out our "mini database" of photos organized by theme, which we rely on heavily for putting together monthly newsletters, our annual report, updating the website, and posting to Facebook and Instagram. We are also always in need of good photos for grant applications, as they are a huge part of telling our story. If you love to organize stuff and are interested in some volunteer work from the comfort of your home computer, this would fit the bill! Email Betsy: betsy@thegrowingcenter.org.
Calling All Writers to Join Our Blog Writing Team
Winter is a busy time for our Writing & Communications Team, as we get together over Zoom a few times, make an outreach plan for the year, schedule and assign blog posts, brainstorm newsletter ideas and divvy up graphics/design work. We are always looking for new writers to attend events and write about them, and help articulate our programs and projects for the website and our blog! If you're interested in getting involved, email Rachael: rachael@thegrowingcenter.org.
Join the Programming Committee!
Do you have interest in helping to curate a robust season of cultural and educational offerings at the Center in 2024? Wondering how you can support the creation of a wide array of programs, specifically those focused on highlighting the diversity of our community, promoting equity and inclusion, and offering access to all? If interested, please contact Lisa at lisa@thegrowingcenter.org.
Strategic Planning Team
Have any background in organizational or non-profit planning? Just interested in participating as a stakeholder in how we (re)envision the next 3-5 years? Participation commitments can vary; outreach, weekly to monthly meetings. We’d love your help, knowledge and experience! This important team’s background work towards development of a strategic plan will produce significant outcomes, leading the Center into the next decade, with shared commitment to the organization’s renewed mission, vision, values, capacities and potential. Contact Lisa at lisa@thegrowingcenter.org.
Access and Inclusion Signage Team
Want to help create more welcoming and informative signage in the garden in English, Spanish and other languages? Contact, paula@thegrowingcenter.org. Do you have strong language skills for translating flyers into Spanish or Portuguese? Email Betsy: betsy@thegrowingcenter.org.
Developing Spanish-language Volunteer Orientation
Are you already a volunteer who has taken the volunteer orientation and speak Spanish and English, or are interested? Work with a board member/staff member to provide a monthly volunteer orientation in Spanish and English. Contact paula@thegrowingcenter.org.