Older Adults & Community Gardening:
Fostering Elder-Friendly Spaces Hello, my name is Sydney Gill, and I am a recent graduate from the Department of Occupational Therapy at...

Volunteer Spotlight: Liliana Bettolo
When I met Liliana Bettolo at the Growing Center, she was picking up vegetables from her CSA share – likely not the only stop she’d make...

Updates from the Garden Team
Despite the rainy summer we’re experiencing, the Garden Team at the Growing Center is keeping very busy! Our Garden Team plants, weeds...

Gardening, Greeting and Getting Involved: Lend a Hand and Volunteer at the Growing Center in Summer
The Growing Center’s programming season is in full swing, offering a full slate of public events from April to October for the first time...

What's Blooming: Garden updates and news!
Brown Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia triloba), Groundsel Tree (Baccharis halimifolia), Goldenrod (various species) and asters (Symphyotrichum...

Back to the Garden
Hello, My name is Yashmina Alvarez. I work at CAAS Head Start. On July 12, 2021 our classroom reopened in person after working remotely...

Winter-Sowing with DIY Milk Jug Greenhouses!
Where Upcycling and Gardening Meet! With the cold and snow, it’s easy to think of February and March as a quiet time in the garden, but...

SeedMoney™ Grant Update!
We are inching closer to the finish line with our SeedMoney Challenge, and could use a boost! The Friends of the Community Growing Center...

Thank you to our volunteers!
The season is now slowly winding down for the Growing Center, which gives us a much-needed moment to pause and reflect on what a...

Help Us Make Our SeedMoney™ Grant Challenge Goal!
The Friends of the Community Growing Center has been approved for a 2020 Garden Challenge Grant from SeedMoney, a Maine-based nonprofit...