Spring Garden Day: May 5th
Spring Garden Day: Saturday, May 5th, 2pm-4pm
Save the date for the Somerville Community Growing Center’s annual event, Spring Garden Day on Saturday, May 5th from 2- 4 pm. This neighborly celebration marks the start of spring with music, garden education, fun activities and dance! Enjoy the annual Maypole Dance and enjoy the Red Herring Morris Dancers! Also, come to learn about the demonstration World Crops garden project this season in collaboration with Groundwork Somerville ..... Place an order for our Native Plant Sale.... Check out the Somerville Public Library (MA) display of gardening books--and information about the wide range of resources available just up the street--and at branch libraries! Make this part of your Somerville Open Studios tour, or just stop by for a bit of Spring cheer! For more information visit www.thegrowingcenter.org.