Spring Growing Center Mixer

Looking to find your next garden oasis in Somerville? Look no further...
Are you interested in getting involved with children's garden activities, composting trainings, organizing an open mic or storytelling event, leading a yoga class, or other fun outdoor activities? Maybe you don't want to volunteer but you just want to know more about this Somerville urban garden oasis near Union Square (@22 Vinal Ave)?
Then please come by for this Growing Center Mixer @Aeronaut Brewery (14 Tyler Street) for more information! At the mixer, you will meet volunteers, learn about upcoming events at the garden space and find out how you can get involved!
Aeronaut is family friendly and you are encouraged to bring snacks and non-alcoholic beverages! There are also fun board games available for the kiddos! If you have any questions please email volunteer@thegrowingcenter.org. On Sundays there is free on-street parking, yay!