Welcoming Our Newest Board Members!
Welcoming our Newest Board Members! Join us in welcoming the Friends of the Community Growing Center’s newest members of our Board of...

We Are Hiring for the Summer!
Position available - Summer 2023 Assistant Garden Educator for Summer in the Garden field trips at the Somerville Community Growing...

In Gratitude for the Earth
Creatively Celebrating the Earth in Our Community On the afternoon of Saturday, April 22, more than two hundred people stopped by the...

Artist Working to Capture Bud-to-bloom Images in Garden
Somerville artist Kerrie Kemperman recently installed a pinhole camera in the Growing Center's weeping crabapple tree in an attempt to...

It’s Spring in our Not-so-Secret Garden - Come Explore!
He began to walk about, looking up in the trees and at the walls and bushes with a thoughtful expression. “I wouldn’t want to make it...

Spring Has Sprung!
The tulips, daffodils and crocuses are blooming, pollinators and bugs are waking up, and volunteers are back working in the garden!...

The Growing Center Advances its Strategic Planning Initiative
It’s an exciting time for the Growing Center with its Strategic Planning process underway and its 30th anniversary approaching next fall!...

The Somerville Maple Boil Down: Back on Tap, Back on Track!
The Somerville Maple Boil Down: Back on Tap, Back on Track! By Hildi Gabel Growing Center Writing Team In typical late New England winter...

Fairy Fun and Fall Harvest Fun(draising)
As the days get shorter and crisper, you start to feel a slight difference in the air. It’s subtle, but it indicates the coming of autumn...

Join the Growing Center's Strategic Planning Efforts
The Growing Center is soon approaching its 30th Anniversary. The Center has evolved so much over the last few decades while remaining...